Chinese Chicken Wings

Easy, Easy, Easy ... have I mentioned these are easy?

Bag of frozen chicken wings (however many you need.  I get 2 four-pound bags when Kroger has them on sale because my hubbie's all about the chicken wings -- they might be called Party Wings???) just make sure you get your wings and not those bit piece things they try and fool you with.

2 sticks of margarine/butter
3 whole cloves of garlic
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup soy sauce

Preheat oven to 350.

Melt butter in pan on the stove.  Add brown sugar, soy sauce, and peeled cloves of garlic.  Bring to a boil, pour over chicken wings in prepared baking dish (use however big you need according to how many wings you have, spray with cooking spray for a little bit of an easier cleanup).  

I just dump the frozen wings in the pan cover with sauce and bake.  If you prefer to thaw them, time accordingly.  

Frozen wings:  2 hours
Thawed wings: 1 hour

I try to stir them about every half hour or so to get them covered evenly.  In the end they are a lovely caramelized dark brown color.   


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